Environmental, quality and occupational safety policy
MERO ČR, a.s., based in CZ-Kralupy, is the only Czech crude oil transporting company. It operates the Družba and Central European Crude Oil (MERO) pipelines and the Nelahozeves Czech crude oil central tank farm. MERO Germany GmbH is the German subsidiary of MERO ČR, a.s. for the operation of the MERO pipeline.
The purpose of MERO Germany GmbH is the transport of crude oil of MERO ČR, a.s. customers to the Czech Republic. MERO Germany GmbH always tries to meet all customer requirements and therefore decided to meet the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001.
For MERO Germany GmbH, occupational safety, health protection of its employees, environmental protection and plant safety are a natural part of its business activities.
Negative environmental effects or injuries or impairments to the health of their employees or persons working directly for them are to be prevented as far as possible. To ensure this, an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with DIN ISO 45001 and an environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14 001 have been introduced.
Environmental, quality and occupational health and safety management are combined in an Integrated Management System (IMS).
MERO Germany GmbH commits itself,
- to integrate preventive environmental protection and occupational health and safety measures in all activities, to fulfill the relevant obligations and to prevent harmful effects by all reasonable technical and organizational means. The prevention of environmental pollution and of damage to the health of employees and the general public is one of the company's main objectives.
- to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, to eliminate hazards and to minimize risks.
- to prevent accidents and emergencies by all reasonable technical and organizational means or to minimize the consequences of possible accidents and incidents by effective emergency preparedness.
- to take into account the requirements applicable to the service of crude oil transportation in every activity.
MERO Germany GmbH
- maintains an Integrated Management System (IMS) for this purpose, which meets the requirements of DIN ISO 45001, DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 9001.
- regards the permanent compliance with the relevant legal requirements and other binding obligations as a self-evident minimum standard.
- promotes the training and motivation of all employees and business partners so that they identify with the company's principles.
- plans and implements measures to provide resources for all its activities, especially in maintenance and repair, emergency preparedness, environmental protection and health protection.
- achieves continuous improvement of the IMS, environmental performance and the company by establishing and implementing corporate goals and improvement programs.
- consults and involves its employees or their representatives.
- reviews and evaluates the IMS on a regular basis.